2015 hunting season has been great

Well the 2015 mushroom hunting season has been massive!! It got off to a slow start before a bumper crop of just about every species started popping up. While we didn’t find any of those Porcini that every person and their pet are finding in the Adelaide hills, we’ve found just about everything else.

This year in Selby we have an absolute plague of three Suillus species – luteus, granulatus and bovinus which was the first time I had seen the later. Personally I rate bovinus above the other two but Suillus in general aren’t spectacular gourmets. Slippery jacks can be just too slippery.

The native chanterelles are also out in force – we have found about eight new patches and our original patches are four times as big this season! We hear reports that Australian chanterelles are considered bland and lack the pepperiness of European and US chants. Edibility is however unknown.

Our Saffron Milkcaps were raided a few times by hungry mushroom foragers but we have still managed to collect the odd basket full without having to leave Selby and surrounds. We have placed several orders with happy customers so far. It was actually nice to see other hunters about  – nice to chat and also nice to see so much biomass not going to waste like it often does (I probably collect 4% of the saffies we see up here and often some just rot).

The Birch Boletes spiked early and on mass – we got some really tasty specimens this year – a collection of three having the most potent ‘bolete’ flavour I have ever encountered for some reason. Dried and placed in a risotto I was in mushroom paradise. These all sold upon listing basically and obtained by far the most interest. We have regular customers for these.

We’ve been able to find some absolutely outstanding blewits this year! Some very large and meaty and superb flavour which is very early in the season; normally we dont see these until the first frosts.

Anyway as previously stated please contact if you are interested in discussing, investigating or obtaining any of the mushrooms listed above. Our general wild-collected sales are for Saffron Milk Caps, Birch Boletes and Blewits and we stand behind the quality of all three.



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