2016 hunting season update

Agaricus augustus

For quite a while Ive been puzzled by online and guidebook descriptions and observations of Agaricus augustus in southern Australia and particularly in Victoria. Nearly … Read more

2016 hunting season update

Cordyceps gunnii

By chance a neighbour of mine was cutting down a large Acacia and was burning the ground below it and had stumbled upon these. He … Read more

Cantharellus concinnus

Cantharellus concinnus

The most common Chanterelle species in the Dandenongs and wide Yarra ranges is the petite orange to pink  Cantharellus concinnus. The concept of concinnus has … Read more

Brown Birch Bolete (Leccinum scabrum)

Brown Birch Bolete (Leccinum scabrum)

Regarded by many as the best edible mushroom species occurring wild in Southern Australia, the Brown Birch Bolete has a complex, nutty flavour somewhat similar … Read more

Wood Blewit (Lepista nuda) Culture

Wood Blewit (Lepista nuda)

Selby Shroom’s favourite mushroom – the wood blewit is an magnificent looking species with lilac gills, a meaty mottled lilac stem, a strong margin and a … Read more