Jonas finds the Black Trumpet

Jonas finds the Black Trumpet

Not that long ago Jonas Bellchambers found a bracket fungi that looked a lot like Chicken of the Woods somewhere in NSW.
Now Jonas has done it again – this time finding the holy grail of mushroom hunting in Australia – the black trumpet (Craterellus cornucopioides or an Australian native relative).
During my time in the United States I was able to try these over there and these are premium quality mushrooms with amazing flavour and complexity so I have put a lot of time into finding them here without success.
Whether our local species / phenotype lives up to the brilliance of European and American varieties is unknown but well done once again Jonas! Awesome work!

4 thoughts on “Jonas finds the Black Trumpet”

  1. My husband and I have found these as well over the years- they are small and difficult to spot in amongst leaf litter. Sometimes they do occur in large troupes. They dry very well and are very fragrant. A good addition, reconstituted in a mushroom sauce, with other dried species. I am writing from Sydney, but we foray widely.


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