Successful outdoor fruiting of Lepista sordida – the lilac blewit


Easter Sunday we were excited to see a nice first flush of Lepista sordida (confirmed via DNA) – a small tester bag of colonised rye grass seed and sawdust innoculated with grain spawn. This was buried in a shady and overgrown flowerbed about an inch under soil and eucy mulch in Feb.

The smell and flavour of these little blewits was quite unusual – floral and potent.

A very exciting easter surprise.

We are now selling plates of this species and will also be soon stocking these and king stropharia grow bags to simplify things.

As explained previously this species was collected and presumed to be Lepista sublilacina but DNA extraction and sequencing revealed that it was in fact Lepista sordida.

A detailed write-up on these little grass-growing Lepista can be found at:

Successful outdoor fruiting of Lepista sordida - the lilac blewit

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